9 Steps for Achieving Success
An Easy to Follow Guide for the New Year
It seems like yesterday we were celebrating the year 2000, and now we’re almost a decade into the 21st century. This past year has been especially trying for many, and may have even dampened your spirits, but that’s no reason to put your dreams and goals on hold. Often we grow stronger in adversity and we can use our problems or difficulties to strengthen our desire to achieve success.
A great influence in my life once told me, “Life without sacrifice is life without”. When I think back to my most treasured accomplishments, they all came with sacrifice. Whether it be time, labor or money, you will have to give up something to get what you want in life. Sure, some fortunate ones will seem to have it easy, but those who give their all will reap the rewards.
Regardless of your career or occupation, you can achieve your best at what you do. Even if it’s only you that knows that you gave your best, then you will appreciate the satisfaction of knowing that you gave your all. So, I’ve put together 9 steps for helping you achieve your best in 2009.
1. Acknowledge and Recognize Your Situation, Good and Bad – The only way to improve is by recognizing your current position by being completely honest with yourself. Take a personal inventory to determine where you are and where you want to be.
2. Be Proactive – You probably have a secret ambition that you’ve been holding back on. Whatever it is you’ve been wanting to do, just do it. Don’t rely or wait on someone else to motivate you, take initiative and be proactive. Regardless of the outcome, you’ll feel better knowing you tried.
3. Set Clearly Defined Goals – Too many people set a watered down New Year’s resolution (many times it’s the same one from the last 3 years), and forget about it before the month is over. The secret to achieving goals is setting realistic ones that can be broken down into small steps and visualized. You must be able to see yourself achieving the goal, understand exactly what it will take to do so, and follow through with the small steps until complete the overall task. You are the easiest one to break a promise to, so hold yourself accountable by telling your spouse and friends your goals.
4. Educate Yourself – Read often and regularly, and not just the newspaper and magazines. If you will spend 15 minutes in the morning, and 15 minutes at night, reading a non-fiction book, you can read 6 books a year easily. This will keep you informed, inspired, and allow you to grow mentally.
5. Stay Positive – Turn off the bad news and watch or read something positive. Garbage in, garbage out. Associate with uplifting people and develop a positive mental attitude.
6. Be Healthy – Take time to exercise and make it fun. Go ride a bike, join a tennis league or go walking, but make it a habit. We’re all in a hurry these days and it’s easy to eat junk food, so you may have to make an effort to change your diet. Keep some fruit and granola bars handy to hold you over until meal time, and watch what you put into your body.
7. Volunteer or Donate Your Time – It may sound impossible in today’s busy world, but your outlook will change when you see the response from those you help. You can accomplish more by joining a local civic or service group like Rotary or Kiwanis.
8. Give to Charity or Your Church – Experience the joy of giving by sharing a portion of your earnings with others and your rewards will come back to you in abundance.
9. Spend Time with Your Family – Your family will grow stronger when you spend time together. This is the one thing that you can’t go back and do over, so do it now. If you think about it, you can involve your family in all of the suggestions above. When you do, you will truly experience success in life.
Achieve your goals and dreams this year by Going For It!
Barry Page
P.S. Learn more about achieving your goals at http://pma101.com/PMA/positivementalattitude.html
P.P.S. Zig Ziglar publishes a favorite exercise of mine called the wheel of life, you may do a search to find it. If you need help finding it, respond and I'll help. Use it to keep your personal inventory and set goals for the upcoming year. Keep your wheel in balance.
Barry Page publishes multiple websites, and newsletters. He can be reached at: