Friday, May 22, 2015

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” ~H.D. Thoreau

This quote is so true, most often success is right under our nose. And, for those who's job it is to approach people, these busy people seem hard to get to listen. But... the fact is these people are busy for a reason.

Learn more at and be sure to connect with us on social media.

To your success!
#success #toobusy #pma

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

How To Achieve Your Goals and Keep Your Resolutions

2013 New Year’s Resolutions and Goals
How To Achieve Your Goals and Keep Your Resolutions

Have you set a New Year’s Resolution or Goal? Every year people all over the world set new goals and make resolutions for the new year, unfortunately most will never fulfill their promises. In the following text I’ll outline how to achieve your goals and keep your resolutions this year.

Maybe you’ve already set your goals, now you must act on them. If you haven’t set any goals, now is the time, the New Year offers the perfect time to set new goals! Often, many people set goals or make a resolution to overcome bad habits or negative behavior. Your goal may be to achieve more success or increase your income.

Having a goals system will ensure that you focus your efforts to achieve success. Remember, a 'goal' is different from a 'wish.' You may wish to be rich, but that doesn't mean you've taken any practical steps to make that 'wish' come true.

Why should you set goals? Setting goals is the best way to improve your life. The most common reason for not setting goals is procrastination, but there are lots of other excuses. Ironically, stopping procrastination is one of the most popular goals. So, why not get started now?

When goal setting there are about 8 categories that most goals come from, there are many more, but most can be put into these categories:
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Mental
  • Social
  • Family
  • Career
  • Habits

Here are the most common personal goals:
  1. Lose weight
  2. Stop smoking
  3. Increase income
  4. Vacation
  5. Get out of debt
  6. Finish school
  7. Learn a trade
  8. Write a book
So, now that you have an idea of the more common goals, why don’t you set your own? It can be as simple as getting out a piece of paper and a pen. The most important thing is to get started now. The goals you choose are the ‘what’ you would like to accomplish. Simply choose 1 or up to 5 goals and write them down. You may want to do this in a journal or notebook or pin them to the refrigerator. 

Be specific with your goals and be careful to keep your goals simple and to the point, listing only what is important and realistic to you. If you make too many, you may get discouraged or have problems focusing.

Once you have your goals written down, you’ll want to determine ‘why’ you want to accomplish your goals. This is simply the purpose for accomplishing your goal. Your ‘why’ is imperative and will keep you motivated when you run into roadblocks or get sidetracked. Be honest with yourself about why these goals are important to you and why you should do them now.

To summarize, the Goal is ‘what’ you want to do and the Purpose is ‘why’ you must do this now. Once you determine mentally what you want to accomplish, you will subconsciously start taking on behaviors that will bring you to your determined result.

Here are some examples of goals, specifics, and purposes:
Goal (What)
Purpose  (Why)
Stop Smoking
Decrease gradually and No cigarettes after 6 months
To breathe easier and live a longer life with your family.
Lose Weight
Lose 24 lbs. this year
So you can be more physically fit and live a healthier life.
Write a Book
200 page “how to” book
To promote a cause and teach others what you have learned.
Save Money
$40,000 over 10 years
To pay for your children’s college, so they will be able to get a higher paying job.
Give to Charity
10% of your earnings
To give back and help others because you have prospered.

You should now have your goals and your purpose written down. Continuing to take action is vital at this point. If you break your goals down into short steps they will be easier to accomplish. For example, if you want to lose weight, be specific. Let’s say you want to lose 24 pounds this year, you could break that down to 2 pounds per month. Or if you want to write a book, you may write a chapter a month or 2 pages a day.

Getting started requires action steps. So, you may want to journal or keep track of your daily accomplishments. By tracking your successes you will build confidence.

If your goal is to stop a bad habit, you will want to think of ways to interrupt your negative pattern. You will want to create a positive reinforcement for the negative one. Create a new association that will provide pleasure for the success.

Over the years I’ve put together a common sense approach for setting goals and broken it down into easy to follow steps.

 Steps for Achieving Your Goal(s):
1. Write down your specific goal and purpose for achieving your goal
a. First handwrite, this will cause you to think and visualize your goal
b. Later you may want to type or print out your goal

2. Plan your goal setting
a. Set a specific date for accomplishing your goal
b. Break your goal down into easily attainable steps

3. Take action toward accomplishing your goal
a. Work toward your goal daily
b. Practice discipline until you form a habit

4. Visualize yourself achieving your goal
a. Play a movie in your mind
b. Watch the movie at night and in the morning

5. Verbalize your goal
a. Say “I choose to earn $ (your financial goal here) per year."
b. Say "I will do this through (your specific plan or job here)."

The most important part of any goal plan is taking action. So, start now! Keep your mind focused on the above steps and start working towards your goal.  
Close your eyes picture yourself in the place you want to be.  Don't worry about whether or not it's working or over analyze what you’re doing.  Just keep your mind focused on your goal and discipline yourself to do the steps above on a regular basis.

The following steps will allow you to “really” accelerate your results:
  1. Are you going to dream about this or really do it?
  2. Really print this out right now.
  3. Really paste this next to your computer right now.
  4. Really follow the steps once a day for 30 days.
  5. Do it now and don't let anything get in the way of you accomplishing your goal.
Take action and you will feel better about yourself and others. You will achieve success!

Until next time,
Barry Page

Barry Page is a recognized author and publisher of multiple blogs, websites and videos. He is a leading expert on private banking and a Registered Financial Consultant. He specializes in showing families how to increase their happiness, health and prosperity. His business is based in Ocean Springs, Mississippi and he services clients throughout the country.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What is Your Time Worth?

What is Your Time Worth?
Living a Life of Abundance

Reflecting on time gone by helps me to realize my value to society and my worth to myself. Not the tasks I completed or the purchases I made, but the time I have spent with my family and what I have done to increase my value as a person. I also consider the value that I have created for others, and what I have traded my precious time for... Because once the day is gone, it is gone forever, so I must strive to live an abundant life today and every day.

“Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” ~Denis Waitley

As I grow older I have learned to appreciate my time and my health more and more. Fortunately, I have been blessed far beyond my expectations with spiritual, physical and material gifts. I can use my time and these gifts to share and benefit others or I can waste them. I’d like you to consider the value of your time and the impact you have on others lives.

“Time is more valuable than money.” ~Jim Rohn

All of our lives we have been told that in order to increase our success and material worth we should trade our time for money. We’re told to go to school and to work hard. And, once we achieve “success” we’re told that we should turn our money over to the financial institutions, but only after the government takes their share… for the betterment of society of course.

Our minds have been brainwashed into believing that the accumulation theory of compounding in retirement plans will create financial success. When you follow this way of thinking you are devaluing your importance and decreasing your self-worth by basing your beliefs on economic models that are dependent on opinion.

Our human life value, as described by the late Solomon Huebner, is the capitalized monetary worth of the earning capacity resulting from the economic forces that are incorporated within our being: namely, our character and health, our education, training, and experience, our personality and industry, our creative power, and our driving force to realize the economic images of the mind.

“It isn’t a coincidence that governments everywhere want to educate children. Government education, in turn, is supposed to be evidence of the state’s goodness and its concern for our well-being. The real explanation is less flattering. If the government’s propaganda can take root as children grow up, those kids will be no threat to the state apparatus. They’ll fasten the chains to their own ankles.” ~Lew Rockwell

Our schools indoctrinate our children from a young age with biased information and fictional characters instead of focusing on history and learning from our past. Case in point, my children participate in an accelerated reading program at their elementary school. Their available literature is almost entirely fictional consisting of fantasy and witchcraft. The problem is over time fallacies and falsehoods develop into myths. And, myths destroy our confidence by instilling our minds with doubt and fear. 

“Myths which are believed in tend to become true.” ~George Orwell

Myths are based on a scarcity mindset and can be perpetuated from generation to generation. When we embrace the scarcity mindset we buy into the belief that our resources are limited. Scarcity fails to account for self-worth and further limits our opportunity for ownership and growth.

As you can see these myths can destroy your ability to create real wealth and your value as a person. Instead when you follow your purpose and focus on creating value in yourself and others, you can live a life filled with abundance and prosperity.

“Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.” ~Albert Einstein

We must breakthrough the boundaries of traditional thinking and challenge our minds if we want to achieve our maximum potential in life. An abundant life is developed by practicing our talents and abilities and taking action. When we take action on our thoughts and ideas, based on our knowledge, we increase our worth. As we increase our knowledge, we also increase our confidence and ability to follow our free will, and make our own choices.

By living a life of abundance you can follow your soul purpose and increase your value to others. You are free to focus on God’s work and your personal passions without the limits and confines of a scarcity mindset. You create value in others by sharing your knowledge and developing their abilities. You are free to live a life of prosperity.

God has blessed us with an abundant supply of spiritual and material gifts. Our challenge is to utilize these blessings to honor God and fulfill our purpose as Christians.

For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. Matthew 13:12

Many believe that the end of time, as we know it, is near. In essence, your future resides in your hands. In the coming months your world is going to change… the question is, will you be ready for what’s next?

In closing, I’d like to encourage you take a personal inventory by asking you a few questions. Ask yourself what’s really important to you? Why do you do what you do? Are you spending your time with the ones that matter the most? When you make investments, consider if you are investing in yourself as a person. Will these investments increase your value? Are you expanding your knowledge? What are you reading and whom are you listening to?

"You are the same today as you will be in five years except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read." ~Charlie 'Tremendous' Jones 

Until next time,
Live a Life of Abundance!
Barry Page

Barry Page is a recognized author and publisher of multiple blogs, websites and videos. He is a leading expert on private banking and a Registered Financial Consultant. He specializes in showing families how to increase their happiness, health and prosperity. His business is based in Ocean Springs, Mississippi and he services clients throughout the country.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

How To Make Sure Your Financial Goals Actually Happen! Creating Success as an Entrepreneur

How To Make Sure Your Financial Goals Actually Happen!
Creating Success as an Entrepreneur

It's mid-year and usually by now many of us have lost track of the goals we set at the beginning of the year. If you are on track, then consider yourself fortunate or at least persistent. Regardless of where you are in your goal setting, I encourage you to take some time now to reevaluate your financial goals and make sure they actually happen. And, I'll share with you the steps you can take to create success relatively quickly as an entrepreneur.

As we are blessed with the abundance of life, we often find ourselves sidetracked or too busy to fulfill our plans and commitments as first intended. But... don't let that stop you. You can absolutely turn the table and accomplish your goals in less time than you originally anticipated. However, it will take some effort and determination.

The good news is, you don't have to reinvent the wheel, buy some expensive training, or invest in some new opportunity to make your dreams a reality. But, you may have to change your habits, or your friendships, and maybe even let go of some detrimental beliefs.

What I will share with you came through my personal experiences and a lifetime of personal growth. These philosophies and principles were taught to me by others who have graciously shared their secrets and wisdom. Business leaders like Adam Smith, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracey, Robert Kiyosaki and a host of others. So, get ready to accelerate your path to success and take action on your goals.

You're going to learn in this short post proven steps that will position you to become successful as an entrepreneur and achieve your financial goals quickly. Everyone has different goals and commitments, but one thing that is usually common among all of us is that we want to increase our ability to create wealth.

The following Principles are Imperative to Your Success: 
1. You have to change if you want change to happen.
2. You must be willing to accept complete responsibility for your success or failure.
3. You have to take action and focus your efforts in order to succeed.

Since this entire blog is fundamentally based on mental capacity, it is pertinent to recognize the importance of having a positive attitude. As Earl Nightingale pointed out, you become what you think about. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said that attitude is the number one attribute that constitutes real riches. Bottom line, if you want to win in the financial game, you have to have the attitude of winning. Denis Waitley in speaking on winning, said, "It's really all in your attitude."  Learn more about improving your attitude from Denis Waitley 

Okay, so you may be saying, that's fine and dandy, but what do I do? Clearly, You have to learn from those who have been successful doing what you want to do. Chances are there is someone right in your community who has created great wealth in your particular field or occupation. Perhaps you want to create wealth in another industry, you can. There are no limits as to what you can do. 

Important Economic Philosophies:
1. A job will earn you a paycheck, but a business can earn you a fortune. ~Jim Rohn
2. You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want. ~Zig Ziglar
3. Each person, by looking out for him or herself, inadvertently helps to create the best outcome for all. ~Adam Smith

In his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki describes how you can create wealth by increasing your cash-flow. If you work in a traditional job by the hour or for a salary, you may think this is impossible. And, to an extent it is, primarily because you have to depend on others for your paycheck. In this case you may want to consider a side business.

If you are not happy with your income and you strive to attain higher financial goals, maybe it's time to start a business. Most people have thought about owning their own business, but fear they could not be successful. Many times this fear is brought on by naysayers or a false illusion in our minds. Zig Ziglar calls this False Evidence Appearing Real or FEAR. You can overcome these fears by simply changing who you associate with and surrounding yourself with positive, goal-oriented people.  Denis Waitley said, "Take a good look at your friends and you will see your future".

While there are literally thousands of side businesses you can start, most will require an investment of some sort. This should not be looked upon as a bad thing, because the best investment you could ever make is in yourself. Many times this investment is relatively small and can primarily come from changing some spending and time habits. Though it is never easy, the benefits of owning a business far outweigh the effort.

You may be familiar with the "latte experiment" where a person was spending $3.50 per day on a coffee latte, and wasting a half hour waiting in line and traffic. By simply changing some habits this person could make a coffee before leaving home and recoup $100 per month as well as 10 hours that could be used to create wealth.

As a lifelong entrepreneur I started with my own paper route at age 11. From there I sold t-shirts and eventually opened a retail store. I've worked door-to-door selling Bibles and I even sold soap with Amway in the early 90's. I've invested in multiple businesses, the stock market and real estate, where I have made and lost money. Today, I earn my living as a financial consultant where I teach others how to protect and create multiple sources of income.

Through all of these experiences I have continued my education. I've purchased literally hundreds of books, cd's and training programs on finance, business and success. And, if I had it to do over again, I would. You see, these investments were in myself. They were an investment in my knowledge, and this knowledge can never be taken away from me.

In reality, you can learn everything you need to know about business and finance by simply reading. You can get the equivalent of a college degree or even a doctorate by visiting your local library, and it's free! Charlie "Tremendous" Jones said, "You are the same today as you will be in five years except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read." I agree wholeheartedly with this statement, but I may add one thing more, "the places you go."

By simply reading 15-30 minutes per day, you can read a book per month. That means you could read 10 books per year! That's more than 95% of the population and that would provide you with expert knowledge. You can use this expert knowledge to build your fortune. Once you have educated yourself properly you can determine the business that's right for you.

When choosing or starting any business, you'll want to keep these 2 things in mind:
1. Do what you enjoy
2. Find a starving audience

"The biggest mistake people make in life is NOT making a living at doing what they most enjoy." ~Malcolm Forbes

One of the best options for starting a business and becoming an entrepreneur is network marketing. Network marketing companies typically have a low-cost of entry and provide excellent training. Listen to what author and trainer, Robert Kiyosaki, says about network marketing. What is Network Marketing?

Network marketing may not be for everyone. The important thing is to do your research and look for a company that provides a product you believe in. You'll also want to look at the people behind the company and their background. It is also important to choose a product that provides a benefit that is a solution to a problem.

Probably the greatest benefit of network marketing is that you can work from home, part-time. So, you don't have to quit your day job until you have created the income you desire. Another great benefit is that you can potentially earn more part-time from home than you can full-time at a normal job.

In today's world of fast-paced, over indulgence and technology, one network marketing company stands out. This company is ViSalus. In a relatively short time, ViSalus has grown to become an industry leader with much of their success being attributed to servant driven leadership and the pursuit of science.

ViSalus has built their success around a 90 Day Challenge that attacks America's obesity problem. By providing a solution to a problem, the company provides ordinary people with an opportunity to improve their lives and create a substantial income. You can learn more by clicking this link Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge.

Regardless of where you are in life, you can change today! You don't have to depend on, or wait for anyone to improve your life and reach your financial goals. 

Follow these 6 Steps to Create Success as an Entrepreneur:
1. Create Your VISION
2. Determine Your WHY

3. Develop a PLAN
4. Take ACTION

5. Become a LEADER

If you follow these steps and make the commitment to follow through on each one, you will be successful. Take each step, tailor them to you, and write them down. Then read them aloud every day with passion and desire because when you do, you will achieve your goals!

Until next time, Go For It!
Barry Page

Friday, December 30, 2011

What Are The Most Popular Goals?

What Are The Most Popular Goals?
A Common Sense Approach to Goal Setting

What are the most popular goals? Often, many people set goals to overcome bad habits or negative behavior. Others set goals to achieve success or honor God. Regardless of why you set goals, the New Year offers us the perfect time to set new goals! 

Perhaps you’ve already set your goals, now you must act on your goals. If you haven’t set any goals, now is the time. Having a goals system will ensure that you focus your efforts to achieve success. Keep in mind that a 'goal' is different from a 'wish.' You may wish to be rich, but that doesn't mean you've taken any practical steps to make that 'wish' come true. 

Why would or wouldn’t you set goals? Setting goals is the best way to improve your life. The most common reason for not setting goals is procrastination, but there are lots of other excuses. Ironically, stopping procrastination is one of the most popular goals. So, why not get started now? 

Here are some of the most popular and common personal goals:

1.       Lose weight
2.       Stop  smoking
3.       Earn more money
4.       Vacation
5.       Get out of debt

If those goals don’t appeal to you, or you feel they are not a problem, perhaps you may have higher aspirations.

Here are some popular goals for Christians:

1.       Grow spiritually
2.       Improve marriage
3.       Give more
4.       Save more
5.       Write a book

So, now that you have an idea of the more popular goals, why don’t you set your own? It can be as simple as getting out a piece of paper and a pen. The most important thing is to get started now. 

The goals you choose are the “what” you would like to accomplish. Simply choose 1 to 5 goals and write them down. You may want to do this in a journal or notebook or pin them to the refrigerator. Be specific with your goals and be careful to keep your goals simple and to the point, listing only what is important and realistic to you. If you make too many, you may get discouraged or have problems focusing.

Once you have your goals written down, you’ll want to determine “why” you want to accomplish your goals. This is simply the purpose for accomplishing your goal. The “why” is vital and will keep you motivated when you run into roadblocks or get sidetracked. Be honest with yourself about why these goals are important to you and why you should do them now.

To summarize, the Goal is “What” you want to do and the Purpose is “Why” you must do this now. Once you determine mentally what you want to accomplish, you will unconsciously start taking on behaviors that will bring you to your newly programmed income level. 

Here are some examples of goals, specifics, and purposes:
Goal (What)
Purpose  (Why)
Stop Smoking
Decrease gradually and No cigarettes after 6 months
To breathe easier and live a longer life with your family.
Lose Weight
Lose 24 lbs. this year
So you can be more physically fit and live a healthier life.
Write a Book
200 page “how to” book
To promote a cause and teach others what you have learned.
Save Money
$40,000 over 10 years
To pay for your children’s college, so they will be able to get a higher paying job.
Give to Charity
10% of your earnings
To give back and help others because you have prospered.

You should now have your goals and your purpose written down. Continuing to take action is vital at this point. If you break your goals down into short steps they will be easier to accomplish. For example, if you want to lose weight, be specific. Let’s say you want to lose 24 pounds this year, you could break that down to 2 pounds per month. Or if you want to write a book, you may write a chapter a month or 2 pages a day.

Getting started requires action steps. So, you may want to journal or keep track of your daily accomplishments. By tracking your successes you will build confidence.
If your goal is to stop a bad habit, you will want to think of ways to interrupt your negative pattern. You will want to create a positive reinforcement for the negative one. Create a new association that will provide pleasure for the success.

Over the years I’ve put together a common sense approach for setting goals and broken it down into easy to follow steps.

Steps for Achieving Your Goal(s):

1.       Write down your specific goal and purpose for achieving your goal
a.       First handwrite, this will cause you to further think and visualize your goal
b.      Later you may want to type or print out your goal

2.       Plan your goal setting
a.       Set a specific date for accomplishing your goal
b.      Break your goal down into easily attainable steps

3.       Take action toward accomplishing your goal
a.       Work toward your goal daily
b.      Practice discipline until you form a habit

4.       Visualize yourself achieving your goal
a.       Play a movie in your mind
b.      Watch the movie at night and in the morning

5.       Verbalize your goal
a.       Say “I choose to earn $ (your financial goal here) per year 
b.      I will do this through (your specific plan or job here)"

The most important part of any goal plan is taking action. So, start now! Keep your mind focused on the above steps and start working towards your goal.  Close your eyes picture yourself in the place you want to be.  Don't worry about whether or not it's working or over analyze what you’re doing.  Just keep your mind focused on your goal and discipline yourself to do the steps above on a regular basis.

The following steps will allow you to “really” accelerate your results:
1.       Are you going to dream about this or really do it?
2.       Really print this out right now.
3.       Really paste this next to your computer right now.
4.       Really follow the steps once a day for 30 days.
5.       Do it now and don't let anything get in the way of you accomplishing your goal.

Take action and you will feel better about yourself and others. You will achieve success!

Until next time,

Set your Financial Goals, Contact us for a meeting.

Friday, January 02, 2009

9 Steps for Achieving Success
An Easy to Follow Guide for the New Year

It seems like yesterday we were celebrating the year 2000, and now we’re almost a decade into the 21st century. This past year has been especially trying for many, and may have even dampened your spirits, but that’s no reason to put your dreams and goals on hold. Often we grow stronger in adversity and we can use our problems or difficulties to strengthen our desire to achieve success.

A great influence in my life once told me, “Life without sacrifice is life without”. When I think back to my most treasured accomplishments, they all came with sacrifice. Whether it be time, labor or money, you will have to give up something to get what you want in life. Sure, some fortunate ones will seem to have it easy, but those who give their all will reap the rewards.

Regardless of your career or occupation, you can achieve your best at what you do. Even if it’s only you that knows that you gave your best, then you will appreciate the satisfaction of knowing that you gave your all. So, I’ve put together 9 steps for helping you achieve your best in 2009.

1. Acknowledge and Recognize Your Situation, Good and Bad – The only way to improve is by recognizing your current position by being completely honest with yourself. Take a personal inventory to determine where you are and where you want to be.

2. Be Proactive – You probably have a secret ambition that you’ve been holding back on. Whatever it is you’ve been wanting to do, just do it. Don’t rely or wait on someone else to motivate you, take initiative and be proactive. Regardless of the outcome, you’ll feel better knowing you tried.

3. Set Clearly Defined Goals – Too many people set a watered down New Year’s resolution (many times it’s the same one from the last 3 years), and forget about it before the month is over. The secret to achieving goals is setting realistic ones that can be broken down into small steps and visualized. You must be able to see yourself achieving the goal, understand exactly what it will take to do so, and follow through with the small steps until complete the overall task. You are the easiest one to break a promise to, so hold yourself accountable by telling your spouse and friends your goals.

4. Educate Yourself – Read often and regularly, and not just the newspaper and magazines. If you will spend 15 minutes in the morning, and 15 minutes at night, reading a non-fiction book, you can read 6 books a year easily. This will keep you informed, inspired, and allow you to grow mentally.

5. Stay Positive – Turn off the bad news and watch or read something positive. Garbage in, garbage out. Associate with uplifting people and develop a positive mental attitude.

6. Be Healthy – Take time to exercise and make it fun. Go ride a bike, join a tennis league or go walking, but make it a habit. We’re all in a hurry these days and it’s easy to eat junk food, so you may have to make an effort to change your diet. Keep some fruit and granola bars handy to hold you over until meal time, and watch what you put into your body.

7. Volunteer or Donate Your Time – It may sound impossible in today’s busy world, but your outlook will change when you see the response from those you help. You can accomplish more by joining a local civic or service group like Rotary or Kiwanis.

8. Give to Charity or Your Church – Experience the joy of giving by sharing a portion of your earnings with others and your rewards will come back to you in abundance.

9. Spend Time with Your Family – Your family will grow stronger when you spend time together. This is the one thing that you can’t go back and do over, so do it now. If you think about it, you can involve your family in all of the suggestions above. When you do, you will truly experience success in life.

Achieve your goals and dreams this year by Going For It!
Barry Page

P.S. Learn more about achieving your goals at

P.P.S. Zig Ziglar publishes a favorite exercise of mine called the wheel of life, you may do a search to find it. If you need help finding it, respond and I'll help. Use it to keep your personal inventory and set goals for the upcoming year. Keep your wheel in balance.

Barry Page publishes multiple websites, and newsletters. He can be reached at:

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Developing a Positive Mental Attitude
With PMA, dreams are realized, motivation is improved and greater confidence is created. Our goal is to provide our readers with positive input that will motivate them to achieve their goals.

Your vision of your world is created by your attitude. In other words your outlook on life is determined by how you approach things mentally. By programming your mind to think positive thoughts you can change the picture in your mind and increase your control over the outcome of your actions.

How can you program your mind to think positive thoughts? Over the years I have personally experimented with a multitude of ways to control my attitude, and some work better than others. You’ve no doubt experienced the uplifting feeling of being in a room full of people who are all chanting, yelling or singing; perhaps church or a pep rally. On the other hand you’ve probably been surrounded by negative people, complaining or arguing, leaving you feeling mentally drained.

Unfortunately, our minds are bombarded constantly with negative information. The television is just one example of this, but probably the best. Today’s programming is filled with news stations that run 24/7 broadcasts of the latest travesties. And, we eat it up even though we know that we shouldn’t. It’s like a drug that we can’t get enough of.

Curiosity can work for us in different ways, but often it encourages us to drag ourselves down. The rush of adrenalin you feel when you suddenly find yourself in a pressure situation is similar to the rush of endorphins that flood the mind when you think positive thoughts. Our decision to fill our minds and thoughts with positive, truthful information is a hard one. Partly because of peer pressure and partly because of the curiosity we have.

How many times have you been seduced today? It would be hard to know the answer because it is the job of advertisers to arouse you without your knowing. Today and every day that you turned on the TV and watched a commercial, picked up a magazine and saw a print ad or simply opened your email inbox, you have been assaulted by mind altering advertisements that your mind may not detect.

As adults we train ourselves to avoid these ads and to simply turn the channel, but they are becoming much more sophisticated. Advertisers purchase your demographics from sources that you thought were protected to send you targeted messages. Spammers use complex algorithms to fill your email box with sex and trash. Avoiding this negativity is becoming much harder to avoid.

We will delve deeper into ways to avoid the rubbish later, but for now let’s focus on the positive. Obviously not all advertising is bad, sometimes it’s just hard to interpret. For instance, you’ve probably been touched by ads from charitable organizations that urge you to donate, or insurance companies that encourage you to protect your family. Perhaps these types of ads will leave you with a feeling of hope or accomplishment, because they have touched you in a way that inspires you to do what you feel is good.

Throughout every day we have to decipher the good from the bad. In order to focus on the good it is important to avoid the clutter and pay close attention to our surroundings. Just as our parents warned us to watch who we were friends with, the same applies as adults. We as humans are likely to read, watch and use the same materials as our peers. So, what are the people you spend your time with doing? Is that congruent to what you want for yourself? If not, then you have some important decisions to make.

It’s easy to get caught up in every day life and avoid the things we know can improve our lives. You may want to ask yourself, what was the last book I read? Perhaps you already read motivational or inspirational books. Books and quotes are my favorite way to clear my mind and replenish it with positive thoughts. You may even listen to positive or educational tapes or cd’s in your car, if so you are on your way to a better life.

The Bible is a great source of inspiration and one that can provide hope and instill faith. Attending Church will allow you to surround yourself with others that also have a desire to improve their lives. Inspirational music can fill your heart with love and open your mind to hope. And prayer can provide you with strength in any situation. (NKJ) Psalm 28:1, “To You I will cry, O Lord my Rock: Do not be silent to me, Lest, if You are silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit.”

Keep reading and keep learning. Inspire hope and faith by surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting people. You have what it takes to be successful in whatever you choose. And until next time, whatever your dreams are,
Go For It!
Barry Page
Written by Barry Page – President, PMA 101, LLC
© copyright 2005
Ocean Springs, MS